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We all are getting  aware of  digital world day by day ,digital world are adding new technology on each successive day , things are being converted into digital process .
The new digital economy is being introduced , now a days we all are familiar with new type of digital currency  bitcoin ,.,

Few technologies have the ability to stir passionate online debate and baffle the vast majority of the population as bitcoin. The virtual currency has been a constant source of interest and confusion since it thrust itself into the mainstream more than five years ago.But interest in bitcoin is now greater than ever. Its value has soared above $10,000 (£8,000), a new high point, turning those who hoarded large amounts early on into millionaires.

There are lot's of question that arise  in our mind day by day ..just like

How does it work?

Bitcoin works on a public ledger called blockchain, which holds a decentralised record of all transactions that is updated and held by all users of the network.To create bitcoins, users must generate blocks on the network. Each block is created cryptographically by harnessing users' computer power and is then added to the blockchain, letting users earn by keeping the network running. A limit for how many bitcoins can be created is built into the system so the value can't be diluted.  The maximum amount is just under 21 million bitcoin. There are currently just over 16.7 million in circulation, each of which was worth almost $10,700 at the time of writing. 

What affects its price?

The price of a bitcoin has jumped up and down since it first entered the mainstream consciousness in 2013. That year prices rose by almost 10,000 per cent before the collapse of Mt Gox, the biggest online bitcoin exchange, sent it crashing.Prices slowly crept up after that but have since surged again. This is largely put down to regulators appearing to warm to bitcoin and the rise of initial coin offerings - a way for projects to raise money by selling cryptographic tokens similar to bitcoins. Many sceptics believe we are in the middle of a new bitcoin bubble while advocates say we are just beginning to see the rise of bitcoin.

What is it used for? 

Bitcoin is has a range of uses, including funding companies, investing cash and transferring money without fees. It is commonly associated with criminal activity such as drug dealing, cyber crime and money laundering, since it can be near-impossible to tie a bitcoin wallet to any one individual.

Bitcoin can be spent online and at select retailers in the UK. They include CEX stores, Dell's website, Your Sushi restaurants, and some pubs. A full list of online and offline businesses that accept bitcoin is available here. They can also be withdrawn at a couple of dozen bitcoin ATMs, which can be found hereOthers simply hold their bitcoins, hoping they will accumulate in value and prove to be a lucrative investment. Its price is notoriously volatile, and early investors are now sitting on massive gains.

Should I invest in bitcoin?          

Bitcoin is safeguarded against fraud and theft through independent and decentralised set up, as well as being free from transaction fees. It has also given great returns to some investors, with the price jumping from a few dollars at the beginning of 2013 to $1,100 by November. People who invested £2,000 five years ago would now be millionaires. After a few level years, its dollar price soared again this year, and it has peaked at $10,000. But the price has also dropped in the past and left people out of pocket



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