In contrast with official site Litecoin is peer-to-peer cryptocurrency & open source software design released under MIT/X11 license .Former google employee Charlie Lee has created litecoin in Oct 2011..It went live on Oct 13 2011.The inspiration behind the designing of this project was basically BITCOIN & it's feature are some what identical with Bitcoin . From the previous record we can make the idea that the growth rate of litecoin is tremedeous. During the month of Nov 13 the aggregate value of litecoin gain massive growth .In view of this graph below we can make the outcome that Litecoin gains a great growth rate till now. LITECOIN CHART (2013-2018) Basically Litecoin has various positive features in contrast as in aspect of speed Litecoin transaction over Blockchain in very less in contrast to Bitcoin it takes only 2.5 mins to complete...
We may not think that's a very long time, but given how fast the cryptocoin market moves. Today also bitcoin is still largest crptocurrency in the market & still leading the market .The reason for downfall of price are abundant but natural it will take some time rise but still focusing on market & seeing their the growth rate after the downfall is tremendous as its nearly about 850% growth year by year.In early stage today also user can make a good space for profit. Roughly an asset's price won't fall far below the market's assessment of a fair price — or at least it won't stay there too long.if company stock fall on news due to their product but if company's revenue is up , the same thing happens here in past last week , we haven't seen a lot"s of sell. Usually, when Bitcoin is rising, altcoins follow. Nevertheless, it is also the other way around; when Bitcoin drops the crypto market as a whole takes a hit.Although their had been num...